Thursday, June 30, 2011

Did Gingerbread Make Sense Or Break It?

Yesterday's post on changing your EVO's Home Screen got quite a response from people eager to swap those Sense-i-ble views for something a bit more, well, bland. Vanilla Android start screens are definitely the way Android was meant to be enjoyed. Start to finish, a little package of easy to use, yet pretty functionality. When you take that simplicity and add the beauty of Sense on top of it, you get a pretty slick interface, but also a bit of a headache.

Since the Gingerbread update, the Sprint forums are all a glow with complaints of HTC's pride and joy shutting down like a US soccer team defense against Mexico. From everywhere, the reports are flying in that Sense isn't working well since the update. The common factor appears to be when exiting any application that requires a tiny bit of 'processing power and memory' the 'white screen of death with the HTC logo' comes on taking forever to come back to the home screen.

After speaking with an HTC representative, they are aware that the Improved Power Management feature of Android 2.3 is creating some issues with Sense and may be the cause of the restarts when exiting some applications. The fix appears to be a hybrid blend of the 2.3.3 designed Sense 3.0 and the 1.6 designed Sense 2.1 that the EVO is currently running. They do not have a time table for a fix to the issue, but rest assured, they are working on some solution to the problem.

Currently, the best solutions we have to offer for the reloading issue is a three part answer. First, live with the reload when you leave memory chugging apps... Second, uninstall all Sense based widgets to decrease the load time and the drain on the CPU so 2.3 will not be as likely to shut it down... Third, try a home screen replacement like ADW or Go Launcher EX, they do not seem to be as affected by the IPM system as Sense is.

There will surely be more to come on this and we look forward to having answers for you soon!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Go Launcher EX - The Free Sense Replacement

We love Sense, we really do. There are days though, that Sense just doesn't work for us. The random restarts when coming back from the browser, or from YouTube... The slowly loading widgets when the need to refresh... The lack of customizing the active buttons at the bottom of the screen... These are all things that just keep Sense from being perfect. So, to start off our week, we installed the free home screen replacement called "Go Launcher EX".

Go Launcher EX, from the GO Launcher Dev Team, is an amazing little application. The setup is very quick and simple. Stock out of the box, we found 15 interchangeable icons located at the bottom of the screen. 5 of these were preset with standard items: Phone, People, Application Menu, Messages and Internet. With a quick swap, we changed these out to our favorites. We then added media programs to the next 5 blanks and social networking programs to the other 5 blanks. Overall, tweaking took just a few minutes.

The home screens were just as easy to customize and setup. With just a few long presses we had an amazing home experience. Except, once again, the Facebook widget seemed to leave us a bit sad, mainly due to the fact it didn't filter 'applications' from our Newsfeed, even when turned off in Facebook itself. Chalk one up for Launcher Pro and it's Facebook widget again...

The app drawer has something for everyone. The drawer offers the standard vertical layout from Android or the side to side 'feed' from programs like TouchWiz. Two great options for fans of either.

The extra bonus to Go Launcher EX is the amount of widgets that are available for use. Go has designed a few great ones that are free to download in the market. Facebook, Messages, Task Killer, Calendar, Gmail notification and Message notification were all active on our screen at one point. For the most part, we liked them all, except for those 'Farmville' notifications on our Facebook widget.

Overall, we give this a major thumbs up and since it's free, you should give it a shot as well. The program is available in the Market as are the free widget items. To enable this, you simply press your home button and select Go Launcher EX from the list. To make it your default screen (only do this after you've decided you want to use it full time) simply check the box at the bottom of the list that says, "Use by default for this action." before you select Go Launcher EX from the list.

If you decide to go back to Sense, you just enter your Application menu (Menu>Settings>Applications>Manage Applications>All>Go Launcher EX - and select Clear Defaults. This will get you back to choosing which app to use for your home screen at each button press. To remove Go Launcher, simply uninstall the app and it will revert back to Sense only. WARNING - Do Not Delete alternate launchers until you have cleared the defaults!

Go Launcher EX is free and available in the Android Market -

Monday, June 27, 2011

Evo 3D Heading To Europe Soon

Anytime an EVO makes the journey overseas it's just one more case for the line being one of the best lineups for smartphones on the planet. Now, with the entry level Evo Shift, the 'mid-range' 4G, the high-end 3D and the Flyer/View tablet, the EVO lineup is very solid. With news of the Evo 4G+ coming out in Asian countries soon, the European nations have been aching for something new for themselves. Fortunately, today is the day for them. HTC has announced that the Evo 3D will be coming soon to a country near them.

The 3D, with it's dual-core, dual-camera, 3D coated screen, will be making its way to various carriers across Europe next month. While most of the countries involved have already seen the similar styled (and processing power toting) Sensation, the unique 3D experience that the EVO offers is something that many will still jump on. The extra large 1730 mAh battery may also pull a few fans over to the 3D's corner as well.

Pricing and carrier information has not been released yet, but look for it soon.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

5 Minute App Review: Jenga

So here we are again, looking at a way to kill time on the train, at the airport or even just sitting at the mall. If you are doing the latter, Jenga from NaturalMotionGames is a great choice. If you happen to be moving around in a car, not so much.

Jenga is a direct play off the original block stacking game from Parker Brothers where you remove blocks from the bottom of a stack, place them on top of the stack, all while not trying to knock said stack over. Everyone's seen it, almost everyone's played it, but not many have tried it on a touch screen.

The controls were remarkably good - especially on a screen the size of the EVO's, but we can see where smaller screens would present a real challenge. The graphics are phenomenal, the play was quick and exciting and overall, the game gets a positive thumbs up.

The only issue we found with game play is that if you're moving, forget about it. One slight bump, jump or flick, your blocks are tumbling.

Jenga:  3 out of 5  -  Available for $2.99 from the Android Market or Amazon Appstore

5 Minute App Review: Baseball Superstars 2011

I have been having entirely too much fun with this game. Baseball Superstars 2011 is amazingly entertaining, speedy to play and a joy to have on your EVO. You can select from Season, League or Game modes, all with the opportunity to earn G points to purchase in game merchandise, like faster shoes, better gloves and more.

The only complaint with the game play is that baseball takes forever to play. 9 innings is just too long. Fortunately, you can swing into game settings and set it to auto play, so you only hit when your batter is up or pitch when you have a jam. The configurations are endless and you can set them however you'd like.

The game itself is reminiscent of the Nintendo games of old and the delightful soundtrack only adds to the old-school feel. The entertainment value alone of this app makes it worth the $0.99 price tag, but the game play far outweighs the cost of a candy bar. Overall, we haven't found a better way to kill time at a better price. The paid version is ad free and uses minimal data.

Baseball Superstars 2011:  5 out of 5  -  $.99 in the Android Market or Amazon Appstore

Evo vs. Evo: 4G vs. 3D

There comes a time when every smartphone user has a debate, and lately its been more like every few hours that EVO owners are facing a new dilemma... Is it time for something new?
For weeks now, EVO users have been barraged with dual-screens, pure Google, faster processors and keyboards. For weeks they've heard about the newer 3D version of their beloved handset. For months EVO faithful have been told their handsets are outdated, slow, and need to be replaced. But finally, tomorrow, June 24, 2011 is officially the day that the EVO 4G loses its stronghold and falls to the now networks latest beast.

The EVO 3D is the newest device in the EVO line and it will be hitting stores tomorrow for the general public to grasp up and begin shooting life in 3D. The first instinct is to go plop down your $500 and get the newest and greatest, but let this serve as a warning - you just might want to hold off on that thought.

The original EVO 4G is still a whopping $149.99 on The 3D is slated to hit at $50 more than that. Now, Sprint has always been about keeping their price points on their devices a bit higher than the 'BOGO' loving VZW, but seriously, if the 3D was more than a niche device, that 4G should be down under $100 right now to clear shelf space for it. Most of the online retailers are selling the 4G for nothing - our own has had the 4G running free for a week now - prior to that, both the white and black versions were down to $85 with new 2 year agreement.

It doesn't make sense to keep a device that has been out over 12 months now at full price, unless, it's still the best device you have to offer. Maybe, just maybe, Sprint isn't sure whether or not the 3D will take the throne from the 4G? Maybe there is the 4G+ refresh coming down the pipe that was just leaked in Korea. Everyone thought the Samsung Epic would bring the 4G down, it didn't happen. Then the Evo Shift, again, nothing. Finally, the beauty of the Samsung Nexus S would take the throne, but even that amazing device hasn't slowed the 4G at all.

Perhaps, the 4G was just the perfect phone at the perfect time. Perhaps it's still the perfect phone at the perfect time. Sprint really hit one out of the park with the 4G, and from the software bugs that are already plaguing the 3D, perhaps everyone would be better off with a 4G...

Netflix is Back on the EVO - and in the Market!

The Evo is back with all its netflixing magic today as the newest update in the Android Market is now offered for the Evo again. Call it luck, skill or just awesomeness, but you cm start rocking those episodes of South Park and Stargate SG1 on the go once again.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sprint vs. The Others...

For some time now, Sprint has been bashing the 'other guys' for their shady practices surrounding their data plans - and the hidden costs associated with them. Today, Verizon Wireless becomes the latest casualty of the 'unlimited data wars' by releasing the plans for their tiered data structure going in to effect next month.

For some reason, T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon Wireless all think that it is OK to charge more per GB than most can possibly imagine - all the while touting the amazing things their devices can do. For instance, 'the average user' only consumes around 500MB of data per month. Using this thinking, the big 3 decide that they will make a 'cheaper' $20 a month plan that includes 2GB of data with a $10 charge for every GB the user goes over. This really makes the carriers seem like heroes since the data rate 4 years ago was $50 a month.

Fast forward to the modern smartphone, with Flash, Netflix, Crackle, streaming radio, cloud storage, instant photo sharing and all the other amazing amenities that the Droid Charge, LG Revolution or any other monstrous new device that they are hocking this week offers and watch those data totals climb. In the last year, the average data user has gone from a mere 200MB to the amazingly high 500MB per month. When you think about a single Netflix movie running over 400MB alone, you will quickly see that number climb even higher.

The carriers will continue to push these new services, and will eventually get rid of voice minutes all together. It's not fair that you see an ad for Netflix on the LG Revolution - only to find out that you need to sign up for the $50 plan to watch more than 30 minutes of the service a week. It's not fair for Verizon to sell you their Navigator service when it counts against your data cap. It's not fair for NFL Live to cost an extra $10 a month, and then have that also count against your data cap. The carriers are bleeding customers dry with their, "Look what your phone can do if you just pay a bit extra..." attitudes.

The bottom line for smartphone users is that these plans are going to become the norm. Unlimited data is a thing of the past - and even Sprint isn't immune to it. With AT&T purchasing T-Mobile and Verizon finally raising their rates and going tiered, look for Sprint to follow suit as their LTE expansion plans come to pass. Building out networks isn't cheap, and we understand that, but when you have to sacrifice dinner to pay for Facebook updates, people will eventually stop caring and go back to having a phone.

Until then, get your Evo for free at and get locked in to a 2 year deal with that $79.99 all you can eat data/text/mobile plan. You can thank us later!

New Update Restores Netflix - Fixes VM Issue (UPDATED-UPDATED)

In a slightly less than surprising move today, Sprint and HTC released the 2nd update for the EVO in the last 2 weeks. The Android 2.3 MR2 software update builds on the Gingerbread launch that the EVO received about 2 weeks ago, but brings along fixes for Netflix, Voicemail notification and hearing aid compatibility.

The 4.24.651.1 update officially brings Netflix compatibility back to the EVO. The DRM issues seem to be fixed, but there is no word on whether or not the update will cause issues with album art or the preloaded Blockbuster App downloads that are on your device like the previous update did. The few users that reported the voicemail notification issue - getting a false reading of new voicemails - should find happiness in the fact that the issue has been corrected. Finally, for the hearing impaired, you now will be able to use your device with your hearing aid once again.

The issues still at hand from the first 2.3 update are the compass directional issue, the issue of Sense being 'killed' by the built-in memory handling and the somewhat garbled text to speech interface. The compass directional issue really only effects those that use the EVO as a training device or use it for off road navigation. The Sense issue is more of a nusance than a major flaw, but waiting for Sense to reopen after a browsing session is very annoying. Finally, the voice to text feature needs a bit of tweaking to get back to where it was. Different programs seem to react differently, so judge this one as you will.

Again, just like the last update, most of the changes that Gingerbread brought to the table are under the hood and won't be seen by the average use, but anytime a carrier pushes for a fix this quickly, it is a positive thing.

UPDATE: It appears that the launch has been delayed or canceled for unknown reasons. The page that earlier in the day featured version 4.24.651.1 with a June 20, 2011 release date has been downgraded to show the original June 6th update of version 4.22.651.2. So, whether or not the new 'Friday' rumors hold or not, it looks like Netflixers will have to wait at least a few more days.

UPDATE UPDATE: It was a happy morning today when most EVO users reported the update was available for their device and the 6.51MB update was downloaded and installing. Unfortunately, it appears that the 'Netflix Fix' rumors may have been exaggerated since the app is still not available in the Market and the EVO is not listed on the Netflix compatibility page.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Free Evo at

In an amazing price break, the Evo 4G is available at $0.00 at our online store site We don't know how long this deal will hang on, so log in today and snatch up this amazing deals before it's gone.

If the Evo 3D is the device you are waiting on, you can land one on preorder for $179.99 if you know how to get to it. Select the Evo 4G from the main Sprint device menu, then select "change device" from the top of the listing. The 3D will appear in the list at a reserve price of $179.99.

Either way, great deals on the Evo line of products and steals are to be had on accessories as well. Standard batteries are $7.99 for the generics, gel cases for $2.99, and more steals are there for the taking.

Stop by for all the best deals.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Is WiMax Really Slow?

Ok, so there we go. The talk at BGR, which is being spewed all over the Internet, says Sprint has inked a deal to make the jump to LTE using Lightsquared's new network.

First off, let me say I think this is a horrible rumors that makes very little sense for Sprint to be involved in. Second, I don't think there is any truth to the rumors. And finally, if this is true, I think that this move will be the end of Sprint, Clear and the hundreds of minor carriers around the US.

Sprint doesn't need to worry about transitioning their network yet and should continue to place their resources behind the WiMax powered data path. Sure LTE is more flexible, offers faster data rates and will probably become the standard soon enough, but Sprint and Clear can transition their hardware to LTE in a very quick change, at a minimal expense, when they need to.

Clear has already done backhaul switching in Phoenix and successfully tested LTE technology on their lines. The results were a faster and more powerful network than Verizon's and better coverage than AT&T.

For now, I'm rocking my 9+ mbps down and 1.4mbps up Evo and loving the Sprint network. And a quick note for those that aren't. You can grab the Evo4G in Black or White for $89.99 or preorder the Evo3D for $179.99 from today.

UPDATE:  The EVO 4G in White and Black are both FREE at - we don't know how long this price will be good for, so get yours today!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Minor Gingerbread Fixes Coming 6/20

Great news to those that are having the issue of the "Mysterious Voice Mail Notification"... Sprint and HTC are rolling out yet another update for the 4G that will patch that little glitch, as well as restore the DRM capabilities for the Netflix app.

Hopefully, this fix will also allow the programs like "Shoot Me" or other screen capture programs to function again - sans rooting. The OTA update should be available Monday the 20th according to everyone online, although neither Sprint or HTC has confirmed this.

This date also coincides with the Gingerbread launch for the EVO Shift, so we are hoping that the rumors hold and that we are all streaming that wonderful Netflix again on Monday.

Friday, June 10, 2011

What To Buy With Your End Of Life Device?

Now that the EVO is going the way of the dinosaur and can be had for an amazing price, what do you need to buy with it to make sure that your device survives the 22 months until your next upgrade?

A silicon Gel Skin will provide an excellent measure of protection for your device. The more protection you purchase the better your chances of making it 2 years are. A silicon skin is very affordable and easy to replace. You can get them for $2.99 each from our online store.

An OEM battery is always a good plus to have with any device. You can get the HTC (although not always in the red stock color) battery for the EVO/Touch Pro 2 for $13.99 right now or the generic, which we have had good luck with for only $7.99.

A 32GB Micro SD card will give you plenty of storage. Most can easily make it with a 16GB card, but for those really wanting the ultimate in storage - the $69.99 price tag is a one time deal. When compared to the $24.99 price tag on the 16GB card though, it's a hard sell to upgrade to storage you may never use.

Wall chargers are always great to have around. If you don't have one from past devices, then you can purchase generics for $2.99 from our online store. Always have a spare wall charger and car charger around incase your's decides it doesn't want to work.

The items above are all available online at our accessories store located at and can be purchased with free shipping on orders of $25 or more with the coupon code FREESHIP or you can get an additional 7% off your order with the code CELL7.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Netflix Now Gone For Non-Updaters

In a very strange turn, the Netflix App is no longer available to Evo users running 2.2. When launching the previous installed app, you get an error message telling you to update. When you select ok, you get an item cannot be found error.

Stranger yet is the Android compatibility listing that now has only the HTC Incredible running 2.2 listed.

Hopefully Netflix will get this cleared up for everyone soon as the only thing worse than not having a phone on the app list, is having one that was, and now isn't.

5 Minute App Review: Tune In Radio

In the world of streaming media, it appears that more and more providers are going to a pay only system. Slacker recently made the change to cut offerings to 'non-premium' members. Pandora only gives you 40 hours a month without paying extra. Overall, it seems that the more people that start using these streaming services, the greedier they are getting. Believe us, we get that the overhead associated with these streaming services is high, but when you price yourself out of the market, you become obsolete.

It's this that drives us back to services like Tune-In Radio. Tune in radio is available in a free or premium version.  Tune In is far from perfect, but it does offer streams of most (and we mean not all) of your local stations. Similar programs like iHeartRadio do the same functions, but we were happier with Tune-In's selection of stations in our area.

The actual application is very simple. You select the station you'd like to hear from the list that is provided. If you browse local stations, your GPS will tell the program where you are. You will then see the album art, artist name, song title and more information in the player screen. The premium version allows you to record and playback the audio stream from the online source as well.

The free version has very few limitations and even has a reminder alarm for remembering when your favorite broadcasts start. The premium version has even more functionality and a home screen widget.

Tune-In Radio is available in two versions - the FREE app and the PREMIUM version that will set you back $.99 at the Amazon Appstore.

Free -

Premium -


We love to run stories like this - especially when the reader wins. For some time now, we have been waiting for the day that the $200 price tag falls away from the EVO. Today, it appears that the fall has happened. Our online store partner is featuring both EVO 4G's at special savings.

The White EVO is now priced at an almost unbelievable $84.99 with new two year contract. The white version features a gloss white backing plate and battery cover. The front is the same black finish as the original.

The Black EVO, yes, the original that hit the market and changed Sprint's fortunes for the positive, is now a lowly $89.99. We have no idea how long this price will be good, but remember, our online partner has a 14 day free shipping return policy and you have 30 days to try out the service before you have to pay to get out of your contract.

The White EVO 4G  can be had at for that amazing price. Again, we don't know when this deal will end or how long supplies will last, but get that $84.99 EVO while you can.

If you prefer the Black version, get it here while the getting is good for only $89.99.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

5 Minute App Review: Redbox

Yes, we know there are a ton of Netflix lovers out there, but there comes a point where "instant" view doesn't have what you want, and you don't want to fork out $20 for a new movie at the store. For this reason alone, Redbox makes sense.

Redbox locations offer same second DVD rentals for a buck or slightly more for those pesky Blu-ray borrowers. You arrive at a kiosk, swipe a credit or debit card and leave with a movie. Return it before 9:00 the next night, and you pay a buck. Miss the deadline, it's only a buck a day more.

The only hassle with Redbox is finding on near you and seeing what they have in the machine. Fortunately, the Redbox app has you covered on both counts. The application makes it simple to view and reserve any movie from any machine in the area. It can even help you find it and navigate to it.

The application is simple, easy to use and about as full featured as you could want. If you are a movie fan and frequent Redbox locations, it's a must have. If you like to rent movies, but are struggling to replace the Blockbuster that closed earlier this year, Redbox's app will help you find the closest location for that too.

Redbox - available in the Android Market (free)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Don't just grab that Gingerbread yet!

As tempting as it is to download that new 2.3 Gingerbread update for your beloved EVO, we are hailing you to hold off for a few days. With the love affair that we have with our wonderous Netflix player, we immediately noticed, "Houston, we have a problem..."

Netflix is currently looking at the issue, but EVO users across the board are reporting major issues with Netflix after their updates have been installed. This could be related to the last update of Netflix itself which rendered quite a few EVO users with broken connections to the streaming content. Sure, you can still manage the queue or look up flicks, but not being able to watch them again is just not acceptable to us.

So, if you've taken the plunge, feel free to shout out below on the comments section about what is working and what isn't working.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Getting The Most From Microsoft Skydrive

One topic that has been getting so much press lately is the 'cloud' services that are coming on board. Amazon's Cloud service allows 5GB of online storage for no charge, with options to purchase more. ZumoDrive offers 2GB's after completing a tutorial. Dropbox, probably the most popular option for Android devices, includes 1GB free and 250MB for every person your refer as well. There are various other serivces, but one that stands out is Microsoft's Skydrive service.

Skydrive offers a whopping 25GB of online storage, and from your PC, you can edit Office documents, view photos and more. After having the amazing experience of Skydrive on an HTC Surround for 2 weeks, I really began to miss my old 'Hotmail' pal and wanted to find new options for accessing my 10 year old photos and older online documents. Sure, Gdocs does a great job for me now, but the history of my content on Skydrive goes way deeper - and is too much to transfer over. Plus, Google only gives me 1GB of online storage without paying the $5 a year for 20GB. Call me cheap, but I like free better.

So my search led me to Sorami's Skydrive Beta app that accesses my Microsoft Skydrive and brings up a file manager of the folder. It allows basic access to the files, download access and upload access to is just a press away. With additional programs like DataViz's Documents to Go, you can actually download, open, edit and reupload your changes to your Skydrive right from your Android powered EVO.

The program still has a few bugs, but it's free and in beta mode so we don't expect perfection. Overall, for the added bonus of 25GB of storage on your EVO, this program is a no brainer. Our hats are off to Sorami and their team on this one.

Available in the Android Market (FREE)