Thursday, June 30, 2011

Did Gingerbread Make Sense Or Break It?

Yesterday's post on changing your EVO's Home Screen got quite a response from people eager to swap those Sense-i-ble views for something a bit more, well, bland. Vanilla Android start screens are definitely the way Android was meant to be enjoyed. Start to finish, a little package of easy to use, yet pretty functionality. When you take that simplicity and add the beauty of Sense on top of it, you get a pretty slick interface, but also a bit of a headache.

Since the Gingerbread update, the Sprint forums are all a glow with complaints of HTC's pride and joy shutting down like a US soccer team defense against Mexico. From everywhere, the reports are flying in that Sense isn't working well since the update. The common factor appears to be when exiting any application that requires a tiny bit of 'processing power and memory' the 'white screen of death with the HTC logo' comes on taking forever to come back to the home screen.

After speaking with an HTC representative, they are aware that the Improved Power Management feature of Android 2.3 is creating some issues with Sense and may be the cause of the restarts when exiting some applications. The fix appears to be a hybrid blend of the 2.3.3 designed Sense 3.0 and the 1.6 designed Sense 2.1 that the EVO is currently running. They do not have a time table for a fix to the issue, but rest assured, they are working on some solution to the problem.

Currently, the best solutions we have to offer for the reloading issue is a three part answer. First, live with the reload when you leave memory chugging apps... Second, uninstall all Sense based widgets to decrease the load time and the drain on the CPU so 2.3 will not be as likely to shut it down... Third, try a home screen replacement like ADW or Go Launcher EX, they do not seem to be as affected by the IPM system as Sense is.

There will surely be more to come on this and we look forward to having answers for you soon!

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